Schools courses on the 14-16 Transition programme are vocational qualifications with time spent on practical activities (the majority of the time) and on theory activities in a classroom. We keep writing to a minimum but learners need to come prepared with pens, pencils etc. For those that find writing a challenge, all our booklets are electronic so learners can word process. For those looking at joining Academic days (when spaces are available) we will require proof of working at or towards Grade 3. If no proof there will be short assessments.
All Levels
Our interviews are very informal and are a meet and greet with course tutors and a chance for questions and answers. We will also show you around the campus and Green Acres – where the Schools team are based.
Please come appropriately dressed for being in an educational environment. We are a college and facilities are spread over a wide area, so suitable attire and footwear are important. We will want to know more about you and your area of interest as well as why you are looking to join the 14-16 programme. If you are Electively Home Educated you will need to bring ID – ideally photo ID as we will also need proof of your EHE status. If you are on roll with a school, you will need to have spoken to them before your interview as they will need to approve the placement if successful.
Your interview will be face to face.
You will be required to engage with all aspects of the course – practical and theory and maintain a high level of attendance on your chosen course. For some of our courses there will be trips and visits and additional termly payments and for some courses you will require specific PPE. Finally, for some of our courses you will require some specialist equipment/uniform for that area. We will let you know more about these things when we meet you.
If you wish to make any amendments to your interview, please log back into your Student Portal, and choose ‘rearrange’ and select and alternative date and time.